Dairy industry


Savushkin Product is the largest enterprise in Belarus producing natural dairy products (milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt etc.) and juices.

Storage of dairy products is one of the most difficult logistical tasks due to the short shelf life of milk and its derivatives under normal temperature conditions.

Another problem is that an excessive drop in temperature can also negatively affect the product’s quality. Any dairy transportation business must transport dairy products using time and temperature controls that prevent or reduce the growth of microbiological hazards in the product.

The recommended temperature for transporting dairy products ranges from +2 °C to +4 °C. However, in the period from April to September, it’s alowув to increase the temperature to +6 ° C. The temperature can also be increased to +8 ° C when transporting milk from dairies to catering and shopping facilities. The temperature — along with the acidity — should be indicated in the consignment note.

The driving time, distance, overall humidity, cost, forecasting, and packaging are all crucial in developing a solid supply chain. The food safety program must also specify how the dairy transportation business should monitor temperature control during transportation; this includes recording the temperature and driving time and what actions should be taken to address quality-control issues.

Refrigerated warehouses for storing dairy products must meet sufficiently stringent technical and sanitary requirements.

The UNITESS AMBIENT monitoring system offers software and a special product line that help you effectively control the conditions of storage and transportation of dairy products.


Real-Time food safety monitoring system